We, at Stratistics Market Research Consulting, provide company profiles that can assist you and aim to inform to keep a tab on multiple industry information such as in-depth information and data of a firm with an overall insight into the history, size & number of employees, current status, products and services, future goals, human and the basic financial data related to the company, including its yearly revenue, profits, and major assets and its mission in the related industry.
We also offer strategic planning in order to help an organization identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) related to business competition and the activities such as awards, certifications, joint ventures, acquisitions, achievements, new product launches, etc. that the company has made recently. As it is one of the most important tools that a business or organization can have, a document that outlines all the important and key information about the business is created where the definition of a company profile, as well as its purpose, is provided.
We present an opportunity for the prospective buyer to know about the organization and enable direct interaction with the sales and marketing groups of the business by understanding a company’s financial health and key business segments. Identify and qualify potential customers, affiliates, and suppliers. We search for investment and acquisition targets by capitalizing on a competitor’s weaknesses. We also increase sales by understanding clients’ businesses better by tracking corporate news such as restructuring, business expansion, and contract wins. We also access key employees to initiate business deals. We provide company profiles across a broad range of verticals including packaging, construction, defense, retail, mining, travel and tourism, and consumer products.