Wondering how to reduce cost and optimize outputs?
We at Stratistics MRC provide Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) professionals with extensive experience in market research and focused approach towards the research areas. Our research professionals are enriched with suitable experience across the verticals of different industries. We provide FTE services to reduce your costs and optimize your output. We ensure that each and every FTE provided with you will be appropriate with the job requirements and able to accomplish the assigned task.
What our FTE's do?
- We interact with clients at regular intervals
- We collect data from authorized sources and panel partners
- We perform questionnaire designing, report writing, market assessments, infographics and quality checks
- We also provide daily/weekly progress reports
We strive to deliver the trained research professionals as per the agreed guidelines and the suggested time frames of our esteemed clients. Our FTE professionals are able to deliver your research reports across any given industry vertical. They are well trained in delivering the best research insights in various geographical areas. We have extensive experience in delivering full-time equivalent research professionals from a network of expert analysts. They are able to assess and present the reports on contemporary issues across the sectors. We are known in the market for our superior quality research professionals and cost-saving practices.
To know more details about FTE services, kindly write to us at info@strategymrc.com